Posted by MIKE OLDHAM on Oct 12, 2018
Denver Indian Center Holiday Support-Rotary American Indian Committee


​Please bring used clean men or women's winter coats, gloves, scarves, suits, sport coats, slacks, socks, shoes to our club meeting on October 25th so they can be taken to the DIC. Dress clothes will be given to impoverished Indians who are interviewing for jobs. Winter coats for children and youth will also be welcome.

The club will, with other Rotary clubs, be donating cash to the DIC to purchase turkey coupons given to Indian families for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

Please note on your calendars November 17 for Thanksgiving Basket give away and December 15 Christmas toys and gift giveaway for children and youth. There will be a 9Health Fair at the DIC on November 15 following the Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway if any of you would like to help with the Health Fair. 

Please bring to the club meetings on November 15th or 29th unwrapped gifts for youth, ages pre-k through high school, so they can be taken to the DIC before Dec. 1.

The December 15th giveaway is a joy to experience and help with and it would be great if at least six of our club members would go over early that day to help wrap and give out presents. Thank you. Questions? Please call Mike Oldham 303-453-9067
