International Service Projects
Rotary International’s most prominent international initiative is the End Polio Now campaign. As of 2019, polio has been eliminated from all nations of the world except Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Rotary Club of Parker supports the End Polio Now campaign through individual and club donations.
Here are examples of other recent international projects of the Rotary Club of Parker:
Open World host. We often host a group of young professionals from the Open World program, a joint mission between Rotary International and the US Congress. In 2019, we hosted a group from the nation of Georgia who were interested in rural tourism. One of our members developed an extensive series of visits across Colorado to give the young professionals exposure to a huge range of rural tourism activities, meeting with business and professional leaders. Here they are at a brewery in Fort Collins.
Project C.U.R.E. In addition to volunteering at the Project C.U.R.E. distribution center to sort donated medical supplies, we have contributed funding to ship the donated supplies to developing countries. We have also helped to pack the container, as shown here! A container that we sponsored was recently shipped to Nicaragua.
One offshoot of Open World hosting was a partnership that developed between South Metro Fire Rescue and firefighters from Odessa, Ukraine. South Metro is donating firefighting equipment to send to Odessa; Rotary members are helping inventory the supplies and contributing financially to the shipping of the equipment.