Local Service Projects

Hosting the annual Parker State of the Town event in conjunction with the Town of Parker
The Rotary Club of Parker initiated the annual Parker State of the Town event held every spring. The event provides a way for community officials and citizens to interact. An important component is the presentation of the Parker Impact Award. For information on recipients of the Parker Impact Award, click here. For information on how to nominate someone for the award, click here. Nominations are typically accepted in the early spring.
Partnership with the Parker Library
We have a long-standing partnership with the Parker branch of Douglas County Libraries. In addition to holding our meetings at the library, we support the Foundation of the Douglas County Libraries. To learn more, click here!
Signature Partners
We have three signature local charities with which we partner:
- the Parker Task Force
- Make-a-Wish Colorado
- Affinity Ranch (formerly Praying Hands Ranch)

- Wine Walks
- Parker Days
- Carriage Parade